
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W

Abdicator Negative task group role: the passive-aggressive member of a group. See passive-aggressive disclosure style. Module VII, Section 1
Abstract To create mental images and symbols of the external world. Module I, Section 1
Abstract words Language constructs; concepts that exist only in thought and language, and not as physical objects or sensations. Module IV, Section 1
Acceptance The need for reference groups and individuals to acknowledge and affirm our traits as valid. Module I, Section 1
Module VII, Section 1
Accommodating A conflict management method in which we let the other person have their way, regardless of what we want. Module VI, Section 2
Action conflict Disagreement over what to do, what action to take. See also value conflict and belief conflict. Module VI, Section 2
Activity In chronemics, our perception of what occurs at what time of day, and how much should occur in a given time frame. Module IV, Section 2
Actuation To persuade the audience to engage in a specific behavior. Module VIII, Section 2
Acquaintance A person who is known only within a particular context, and with whom disclosure is limited to context-specific topics. Module V, Section 2
Adaptors Nonverbal behaviors used to satisfy a personal need, and not intended to communicate with others. Module IV, Section 2
Advising A negative listening response: giving unrequested or unneeded advice to a speaker. Module V, Section 2
Affect displays Nonverbal behaviors communicating the affection level of the relationship. Module IV, Section 2
Affection A message indicating a degree of liking for the person; can range from extreme dislike to extreme liking. Module VI, Section 1
Aggressive disclosure style An emotional style of disclosure which may include yelling, insulting, crying, or other emotional outbursts. Module V, Section 2
Aggressor Negative task group role: uses aggressive behaviors to control the group, dictating the outcome. See aggressive disclosure style. Module VII, Section 1
Analyzing As a negative listening response, trying to explain to the speaker, often using pyschobabble, why something happened. Module V, Section 2
Analyzer Positive task group role: the critical thinker in a group. Module VII, Section 1
Appreciative listening Listening for enjoyment (music, television, poetry, etc.) Module V, Section 1
Articulation Our ability to form the sounds of the language using our articulators. See also ennunciation. Module IV, Section 2
Articulators Structures of the mouth: lips, tongue, teeth, hard palate, soft palate. Module VIII, Section 9
Artifacts The items we use to decorate our bodies, e.g., hair styles, makeup, clothing, jewelry, tattoos, etc. Module IV, Section 2
Assertive disclosure style A disclosure style marked by mutual respect and facework. Module V, Section 2
Assumed similarity/dissimilarity When first meeting people, we make assumptions as to how alike or different we are. Module II, Section 2
Attending The act of focusing on a speaker using attending behaviors. Module V, Section 1
Attending behaviors the actions we use to focus on the message. See theSOLER model) Module V, Section 1
Attitudes In public speaking, the judgement an audience holds regarding a topic. Module VIII, Section 2
Attractiveness of purpose The degree to which group members, individually and collectively, like the task. Module VII, Section 2
Audience analysis Gathering information and making inferences to understand the audience to whom the speech is targeted. Module VIII, Section 3
Audience interest The degree to which the speaker determines the audience is interested/will be interested in the topic. Module VIII, Section 4
Aural Communication Listening. Module I, Section 1
Autocratic leader One who acts on behalf of the group without seeking approval from the group. Module VII, Section 1
Autonomy In a relationship, a need for individual identity and independence. In contrast to
Module VI, Section 1

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Belief conflict Conflict about what is true or false, exists or does not exist. See also value conflict and action conflict. Module VI, Section 2
Beliefs What we hold to be true or false. Module VIII, Section 2
Belongingness Our need to feel we fit in and belong to a group of some sort. Module I, Section 1
Blaming As a negative listening response, shifting the blame to a third party, and away from the speaker. Module V, Section 2
Body movement In public speaking, unless forced to stay at a microphone, good speakers will move in non-distracting ways to offer the audience visual variety and to project confidence. Module VIII, Section 9
Boundary markers Explicit or implicit elements identifying the edges of territory. Module IV, Section 2
Breadth of disclosure The number of topics considered acceptable in a given relationship. See also depth of disclosure. Module V, Section 2

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Casual friend People who enjoy each other's company and who share a modest level of personal disclosure; less disclosure than a close friend. Module V, Section 2
Cause/effect A speech organizational pattern: identify factors triggering a subsequent event; or identify an event then assert triggering factors. Module VIII, Section 5
Central markers Items placed in the space to let others know we claim the space as our own. Module IV, Section 2
Channel The physical means of transmission to actually deliver the symbols from one transactor to another. Module I, Section 2
Chronemics Our perception and use of time. Module IV, Section 2
Chronological A speech organizational pattern: arranging according to time order. Module VIII, Section 5
Citation In a speech, verbally stating the source of a fact, statistic, or testimony. Giving credit to sources used in the speech. Module VIII, Section 6
Close friend Similar to a casual friend, except with more depth and breadth of disclosure. Module V, Section 2
Closure Our psychological drive to fill in missing data to acheive a sense of wholeness. Module II, Section 2
Co-cultures An identifiable group with their own unique traits operating within the larger culture. Module III, Section 1
Codeswitching Altering language use and behavior as a person moves between co-cultures or between a co-culture and the dominant culture. Module III, Section 1
Coercive power Using physical and/or psychological threats to get one's way. Module VI, Section 2
Cohesiveness In task groups, a feeling of connection; a feeling of accountability and obligation to each other. Module VII, Section 2
Collaborating A conflict management method in which both parties work jointly to find a mutual decision with which both are comfortable. Module VI, Section 2
Colleague A work-based friendship that is heavily context-bound. Module V, Section 2
Collectivistic cultures A preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. Module III, Section 1
Colloquialism The collection of sayings and other non-standard types of language usually associated with a region of the country Module IV, Section 1
Common denominators In audience analysis, the core similarities shared by audience members that the speaker targets in adapting a speech. Module VIII, Section 3
Communication How we use oral communication (speaking) and aural communication (listening) to interact with those around us, to build relationships, to satisfy our own personal needs, to exchange information, to persuade others, and to work collaboratively in groups. Module I, Section 1
Communication Package The collection of all variables we use, verbal and nonverbal, that have communication value. Module I, Section 1
Compromising A conflict management method in which both parties accept less to reach an minimally acceptable decision. Module VI, Section 2
Computer-mediated communication Communication occurring through the use of computer technologies. Module I, Section 1
Concrete words Words referring to actual items, events, people. Module IV, Section 1
Confirmation bias Our tendency to emphasize and attend to evidence that supports conclusions we favor, and conversely our tendency to minimize and ignore evidence that is contrary to our desired perceptions. Module II, Section 2
Conflict Different ways of viewing the same event or idea. Module VI, Section 2
Connection In a relationship, the degree of need to feel linked with the other person. In contrast to autonomy. Module VI, Section 1
Connotation The implied judgment of the word; the evaluative tone associated with the word. In contrast to denotation. Module IV, Section 1 Module I, Section 2
Connotative Semantic Noise An emotional reaction to a word or phrase that interferes with clear communication. See emotional triggers. Module I, Section 2
Consensus A decision in which all members have a part in shaping and all find acceptable as a means of accomplishing some mutual goal. Module VII, Section 2
Content dimension The obvious topic, or the noticeable, overt topic being addressed in the conversation. In contrast to the Relationship dimension. Module VI, Section 1
Context The environment of the communication. See social/physical context, relational context, historical context, and cultural context. Module I, Section 2
Context appropriateness Determining what and how much to disclose depending on the environment in which the interaction is occurring. Module V, Section 2
Context-bound A relationship which exists only within a specific context; see colleagues. Module V, Section 2
Coordinate In a speech, information points of relatively equal importance. Module VIII, Section 5
CRAAP Criteria for evaluating the quality of a source: Currency = the timeliness of the information; Relevance = the importance of the information for the speech; Authority = the source of the information; Accuracy = the reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the content; Purpose = the reason the information exists. Module VIII, Section 6
Credibility The audience's perception of the speaker's competence and believability. Module VIII, Section 7
Credibility transfer In public speaking, when using a credible source, the credibility attributed to the source will transfer to the speaker. Module VIII, Section 6
Criteria Standards by which we measure something. Module II, Section 3
Critical listening Active listening to determine the truth, validity, accuracy, or usefulness of information. Module V, Section 1
Cultural context The cultural variables influencing the interpretation process. Module I, Section 2
Culture “A learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, norms, and social practices which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people” (Lustig, 2010). Module I, Section 2 Module III, Section 1
Culture shock The discomfort felt when interacting in a new environment with few familiar cues to guide our communication behaviors. Module III, Section 1

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Decode Attaching meaning to symbols. Module I, Section 2
Defensiveness Putting up a protective barrier to any incoming message, determined to repel, divert, or combat it in order to protect a personal sense of value and worth. Module VI, Section 2
Delivery A canon of rhetoric: the presentation of the content of a speech using verbal and nonverbal communication components. Module VIII, Section 9
Module VIII, Section 1
Democratic leader Promotes the interests of group members and practices social equality. Module VII, Section 1
Demonstration speech A classic "how to" speech, usually arranged in a chronological pattern. Module VIII, Section 2
Denotation The dictionary definition of a word; the commonly accepted definition of a specific term. In contrast to connotation. Module IV, Section 1
Module I, Section 2
Denotative semantic noise When we hear or see symbols we do not understand and to which we cannot attach meaning. Module I, Section 2
Module IV, Section 1
Depth of disclosure The level of intimacy or the personal nature of the disclosure. See also breadth of disclosure. Module V, Section 2
Dialectics Tension within relationships from balancing individual needs/wants with relationship needs/wants. See also relationship tensions. Module VI, Section 1
Dichotic messages When we encounter multiple messages competing for our attention. Module V, Section 1
Disclosure/Self-disclosure Revealing previously unknown information about ourself to another. Module V, Section 2
Disclosure style Our default disclosure style: passive, aggressive, assertive, passive-aggressive Module V, Section 2
Descriptive statistics Numbers describing what was true at a given moment in time. Contrast to inferential statistics. Module VIII, Section 6
Disfluencies Words or sounds that interrupt the smooth flow of the symbols. Module IV, Section 2
Module VIII, Section 9
Disposition A canon of rhetoric: arranging the speech content in an effective order. Module VIII, Section 1
Distributed leadership Instead of one person acting as the leader, leadership tasks are shared by all group members. Module VII, Section 1
Double-bind messages When nonverbal and verbal variables convey opposing messages. Module IV, Section 2
Dyad Two people interacting. Module VI, Section 1

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Ear markers Labels we use to identify our territory. Module IV, Section 2
Echo chamber A virtual space in which we receive only information which confirms positions and beliefs we prefer. See also confirmation bias. Module II, Section 2
Egocentric Assuming others think as we do, use language as we do, and see the world as we do. Module I, Section 1
Ego conflict Assuming all comments, opinions, or ideas are personal attacks and reacting defensively. Module VI, Section 2
Emblems Nonverbal behaviors that can be used in place of verbal communcation. Module IV, Section 2
Emergence The spontaneous taking on of recurring behaviors or actions to fulfill group needs. Module VII, Section 1
Emotional triggers Words or phrases so troublesome as to significantly interfere with clear communication. See connotative semantic noise. Module IV, Section 1
Empathic listening Listening for the emotional content of the message and responding appropriately. Module V, Section 1
Empathic resonance Demonstrating understanding of a situation through disclosure of personal experience related to the speaker's concerns. Module V, Section 2
Encode Selecting the verbal and nonverbal symbols to send to the other person. Module I, Section 2
Energizer Postive task group role: a person who can keep the group commitment level high, motivating the group make progress. Module VII, Section 1
Ennunciation The clarity of articulation. Module IV, Section 2
Epistemology The study of how we know what we know. Module VIII, Section 1
Ethics A set of behavioral standards to which we hold ourselves and others accountable Module I, Section 1
Ethnicity Traits associated with one's country of birth. Module III, Section 1
Ethnocentrism Assuming our culture is superior to or more important than all other cultures. Module III, Section 1
Ethnorelativism Accepting the value of other cultural perspectives. Module III, Section 1
Ethos Persuading another based on the character of the speaker. See also logos and pathos. Module VIII, Section 1
Euphemism A socially acceptable term or phrased used to refer to a taboo subject. Module IV, Section 1
Evaluating In listening, making judgments about what we have heard. Module V, Section 1
Expediter Positive task group role: the person who helps urge the group forward in completing the task. Module VII, Section 1
Expert power The influence we ascribe to people we think know more about a specific topic that we do. Module VI, Section 2
Expert testimony A quotation or paraphrase from a person deemed to be an expert on a given topic. Module VIII, Section 6
Explanation speech Presentations drawing from multiple sources, designed to generally enlighten the audience about a given topic. Module VIII, Section 2
Extemporaneous speaking Speaking from limited notes, but well prepared and practiced. Module VIII, Section 9
External evidence Experiences, information, and opinions from someone other than the speaker. See also internal evidence. Module VIII, Section 6
External physical noise Anything outside the body of a transactor interfering with clear communication. Module I, Section 2
External standards Standards that are thrust upon us by societal forces, such as family, friends, and media. See also fallacy of oughts and musterbation. Module II, Section 3
Eye contact (1) As part of SOLER, the use of typical visual contact to demonstrate attention and interest. Module V, Section 1
  (2) As part of public speaking, scanning the room to make regular eye contact demonstrates confidence and enhances the connection to the audience. Module VIII, Section 9

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Face Our sense of our reputation or self-worth. Module V, Section 2
Facial expressions In public speaking, using natural facial expressiveness to enhance the message, communicate the emotional tone of the speech, and to demonstrate confidence. Module VIII, Section 9
Facework Interaction aimed at protecting the other’s sense of reputation or self-worth. Module V, Section 2
Fallacy of oughts The mistaken belief that we must satisfy everything we ought to be, ought to do, ought to buy. See also musterbation and external standards. Module II, Section 3
Feedback (1) In communication theory, a reaction to the primary message Module I, Section 2
(2) In self-perception, reactions from others that we use to check and validate our self-appraisal Module II, Section 3
Feedforward A message sent before the primary message to establish a context for interpretation. Module I, Section 2
Feminine communication style focuses on interdependence and relationships. See rapport style of communication. Module III, Section 2
Feminine cultures Traditionally seen as more nurturing and caring; the culture is far more structured to provide aid and support to citizens, focusing their energies on providing a reasonable quality of life for all. Module III, Section 1
Field of experience Eeverything about a person or the total accumulation of all their knowledge, experience, values, interests, beliefs, and personality. Module I, Section 2
Module VI, Section 1
Figure-ground relationship As our focus on the object (the figure) and the background (the surroundings) change, interpretation changes. Module II, Section 2
Forcing Using coercive power to make another do as we wish. Module VI, Section 2
Friendly audience An audience who largely agrees with the speaker's position, but not completely. Module VIII, Section 3

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Gatekeeper Positive task group role: a person who invites participation in the group. Module VII, Section 1
Gender The behaviors and traits expected of males and females as developed within a specific culture. Module III, Section 2
General speech purpose The overall intent of the speech: to explain, to persuade, to entertain. Module VIII, Section 2
Gestalt theory How we interpret stimuli is a complex process blending external stimuli with internal processes. Module II, Section 2
Gestures In public speaking, using normal hand movements to enhance the message and to demonstrate confidence. Module VIII, Section 9
Glossophobia The irrational fear of public speaking, far beyond normal speech anxiety. Module VIII, Section 9
Grouping Assigning similar traits and characteristics to items that are grouped together. Module II, Section 2
Group norms Expectations members learn to have of each other, developed through interaction and rarely openly discussed. Module VII, Section 2
Groupthink The tendency of group members to begin to think alike, weakening the group's ability to effectively identify and evaluate alternatives. Module VII, Section 1
Gunny sacking When a person suddenly vents pent up anger and frustrations, often including issues from the past. Module V, Section 2

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Halo effect An assumption that traits tend to cluster; traits “naturally” appear in groups. A type of implicit personality theory. Module II, Section 2
Haptics Nonverbal communication using touch. Module IV, Section 2
Harmonizer Positive task group role: the person who is able to help the group manage conflict. Module VII, Section 1
Hearing Focusing on and perceiving aural stimuli. Module V, Section 1
High-context cultures In communication, nonverbal communication is as important, if not more important, than verbal communication; implied messages are as important as overt messages. Module III, Section 1
High-power distance cultures Members accept some people inherently have more power and some people inherently have less power, and that this power distribution is natural and normal. In contrast to low-power distance cultures. Module III, Section 1
High-uncertainty avoidance cultures Pplace a very high value on history, doing things as they have been done in the past, and honoring stable cultural norms. Module III, Section 1
Historical context The dynamics, expectations, and communication patterns developed in the life of a relationship. Module I, Section 2
Hostile audience An audience who opposes a speaker's position. Module VIII, Section 3
Humanists Believed language and art could reveal the inner world of the human experience. Module VIII, Section 1
Humor In public speaking, using funny stories or comments to gain an audience's attention. Module VIII, Section 7
HURIER model The acronym for the model of listening which includes Hearing, Understanding, Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating, and Responding. Module V, Section 1

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Idea person Positive task group role: a person able to come up with options and ideas to help move the group forward; a creative thinker. Module VII, Section 1
Ideal group size The ideal size for a small task group is five. Module VII, Section 2
Illustrators Nonverbal behaviors that accompany and accent the verbal messages. Module IV, Section 2
Immediacy A state in which the audience feels the speaker is focused on their specific needs, values, or interests at that moment; a strong connection of speaker and audience. Module VIII, Section 2
Impersonal relationship One in which the participants interact only about superficial, necessary topics. Module VI, Section 1
Implicit personality theories Our tendency to group traits to simplify perception. See halo effect and stereotyping. Module II, Section 2
Impression management An attempt to influence how others perceive us. Module II, Section 1
Impromptu speaking Speaking with little or no preparation when the speaker was unaware that he/she would be speaking. Module VIII, Section 9
Inappropriate responding In listening, a reaction to the speaker's message that creates additional problems or diverts attention from the issue at hand. Module V, Section 2
Incongruity A negative listening response: a verbal message in which nonverbal factors contradict a caring message. Module V, Section 2
Individualistic cultures A preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. Module III, Section 1
Indulgence Allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun; comfortable with individuals acting on their more basic human drives Module III, Section 1
Inferential statistics Numerical data used to predict what may happen in the future. Constrast to descriptive statistics. Module VIII, Section 6
Information/Opinion giver Positive task group role: a person who brings in the content and substance the group needs in order to work. Module VII, Section 1
Information/Opinion seeker Positive task group role: a person able to see where information is lacking and to point out what type of information is needed. Module VII, Section 1
Informative speech audience For informative speaking, it is vital the speaker attempts to determine the audience's existing knowledge level on the topic so as to know where to enter and exit the topic. Module VIII, Section 3
Intentional Messages that are sent deliberately and purposefully. Module I, Section 1
Internal evidence Our own personal experiences, knowledge, and opinions. Module VIII, Section 6
Internal noise Anything going on inside the body of the transactor which causes a distraction. See internal physical noise and internal psyhological noise. Module I, Section 2
Internal physical noise Anything physical inside the body interfering with the transactor’s ability to interact effectively. Module I, Section 2
Internal psychological noise Moods, attitudes, biases, or daydreaming that distract the speaker. Module I, Section 2
Internal standards Standards we have decided are right and reasonable for us individually. Module II, Section 3
Interpersonal communication "The complex process through which people produce, interpret, and coordinate messages to create shared meanings, achieve social goals, manage their personal identities, and carry out their relationships" (Verderber, 2016) Module VI, Section 1
Module I, Section 1
Interpersonal needs The needs for belongingness and acceptance. Module VII, Section 2
Interpretation In listening, our ability to take the message we have decoded, consider the whole communication package of nonverbal and verbal, and look deeper at what was meant and what underlying messages may be involved. Module V, Section 1
Interpretation stage In perception, where we make sense of what we have experienced; we determine what it means to us. Module II, Section 2
Interrogating A negative listening response: asking a series of judgemental questions of the speaker, assuming the speaker is at fault. Module V, Section 2
Interrupting A negative listening response: not letting the speaker finish their thought before jumping to finish their sentence for them. Module V, Section 2
Intimacy A relationship consisting of very deep and broad disclosure. Module V, Section 2
Intimate zone A proxemic zone ranging from touching to about 18" in North America. Module IV, Section 2
Intrapersonal persuasion Persuasion within ourselves; engaging in self-talk to influence our own beliefs, values, or actions. Module I, Section 1
Invention A canon of rhetoric: compiling the content of the speech. Module VIII, Section 1

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Jargon The specialized language of a field or interest. Module IV, Section 1
Joker Negative task group role: a person who over-uses humor to get attention and inhibit group work. Module VII, Section 1
Judging A negative listening response: Evaluating a speaker's actions, thoughts, or feelings in a manner assuming the speaker is at fault for the issue at hand. Module V, Section 2

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Kinesics The use of body language to communicate, e.g., facial expression, hand gestures, posture, etc. Module IV, Section 2

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Laissez-faire leader To let things take their own course. The laissez-faire leader does nothing without being explicitly directed to do so by the group. Module VII, Section 1
Language A set of shapes or sounds with which we have learned to associate various meanings. Module IV, Section 1
Language construct An idea or thought we have only because of our use of language. Module IV, Section 1
Lay testimony Quotations or paraphrases from a non-expert, non-celebrity; from the "person on the street." Module VIII, Section 6
Lean As part of SOLER, demonstrating interest and focus by leaning toward the source (speaker) of the message. Module V, Section 1
Legitimate power The ability to influence we ascribe to people based on power given by an institution, social structure, or governmental entity. Module VI, Section 2
Logical idea development pathway The order of presentation that will be most effective with the audience in leading them to an understanding of the material. Module VIII, Section 5
Logos Using argument and logical reasoning to persuade. See also ethos and pathos. Module VIII, Section 1
Long-term orientation Significant emphasis is placed on planning for the future. In constrast to a short-term orientation. Module III, Section 1
Low-context cultures A culture in which blatant, direct communication is highly valued; verbal communication is given primary attention, and nonverbal communication is considered secondary. Module III, Section 1
Low-power distance cultures Distribution of power among members is considered far more arbitrary and subject to change, and viewed as a result of luck, money, heritage, or other external variables. In contrast to high-power distance cultures. Module III, Section 1
Low-uncertainty avoidance cultures Cultures in which change is seen as inevitable, normal, and even preferable to stasis. Module III, Section 1

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Main points The major subdivisions of the thesis. Module VIII, Section 5
Manner of dislosure see Disclosure style Module V, Section 2
Manuscript speaking Speaking from a verbatim script. Module VIII, Section 9
Masculine cultures Traditionally seen as more aggressive and domineering; a preference in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material reward for success. Module III, Section 1
Masculine communication style Focuses on independence and autonomy; values report-talk. Module III, Section 2
Memorization A canon of rhetoric: knowing the presentation and content thoroughly. Module VIII, Section 1
Memorized speaking Committing a manuscript to memory. Module VIII, Section 9
Mental rehearsing A negative listening response: focusing only on formulating a impressive reply versus fully listening to the speaker's message. Module V, Section 2
Message The meaning intended by the source. Module I, Section 2
Meta-communication Communicating about the quality of interaction and the quality of communication itself. Module IV, Section 1
Module VII, Section 1
Meta-concept We monitor how others respond to us and use those clues to create an image of how we believe they are perceiving us. Module II, Section 1
Meta-conflict A disagreement over how the conflict is being addressed. Module VI, Section 2
Method of residues In a task group, taking on a task or role after all others have declined, either covertly or overtly. Module VII, Section 1
Minimizing A negative listening response: a response that discounts the importance of the emotions expressed by a speaker. Module V, Section 2
Minutes Organized notes from a meeting. Module VII, Section 2
Modes of proof The core methods of persuasion as identified by Aristotle: ethos, pathos, and logos. Module VIII, Section 1
Monochronic cultures A culture in which time is viewed as linear, as a sequential set of finite time units; punctuality and adhereing to schedules are highly valued. In contrast to polychronic cultures. Module III, Section 1
Monopolizer Negative task group role: dominates the group by doing all the work as they think it should be done. Module VII, Section 1
Musterbating The act of attempting to meet external standards. See also fallacy of oughts. Module II, Section 3
Mutual responsibility In the communication process, all participants have some responsibility for the success or failure of the communication. Module I, Section 1

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Narratives In public speaking, an extended story related to the topic. Module VIII, Section 7
Neutral audience An audience with no pre-existing attitude on the speaker's topic. Module VIII, Section 3
Noise Anything interfering with clear communication. See semantic noise, internal noise, and external noise. Module I, Section 2
Nonverbal communication All communication variables other than words: body language, vocal traits, and dress; any non-linguistic variable with communication value. Module IV, Section 2
Novelty Favoring more spontaneity and "spur of the moment" decisions in a relationship. In contrast to predictability. Module VI, Section 1
Numerical terms In a speech, using numbers as transitions, e.g., "first," "second," "third." Module VIII, Section 5

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Obfuscation The deliberate use of complex language to create confusion. Module IV, Section 1
Occasion appropriateness Selecting a speech topic that is consistent with the purpose of the gathering. Module VIII, Section 4
Open As part of SOLER, body posture which is considered open and inviting (head forward, arms at sides, etc.). Module V, Section 1
Openness In a relationship, a desire to share personal thoughts and feelings. In contrast to privacy. Module VI, Section 1
Oral communication Speaking. Module I, Section 1
Organization The process of putting stimuli into a pattern we can recognize. Module II, Section 2
Other-concept Our perception of another person. Module II, Section 1

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Paralanguage Refers to vocal characteristics. In public speaking, the vocal traits used to emphasize points, provide variety, and enhance a natural style of delivery. Module IV, Section 2
Module VIII, Section 9
Paraphrasing When a listener restates to the speaker, in their own words, what a speaker said. Module V, Section 2
Parallel structure In a speech, wording main points in a similar way to highlight coordination and to indicate transition. Module VIII, Section 5
Passive disclosure style A reluctance to express opinions, needs and wants in a constructive, healthy manner. Module V, Section 2
Passive-Aggressive disclosure style A tendency to respond passively at first to avoid a direct confrontation, and then "getting back" at someone later; an indirect disclosure style. Module V, Section 2
Pathos Engaging the emotions of the audience to persuade. See also logos and ethos. Module VIII, Section 1
Patterns Pre-existing "templates" we use to order stimuli. These are ways of organizing the stimuli that we have learned and carry with us Module II, Section 2
Patternicity Humans are instinctually driven to find patterns in stimuli as a survival mechanism. Module II, Section 1
Perception A process by which we create mental images of the world around us; 3 stages: 1) sensory stimulation; 2) organization; 3) interpretation. Module II, Section 1
Perception checking When a listener paraphrases the speaker's message to confirm they are understanding what the speaker intended correctly. Module V, Section 2
Perceptual defense Our drive to maintain existing or strongly desired interpretations. Module II, Section 2
Personal relationship One in which we reciprocate a depth and breadth of disclosure to increase mutual understanding. Module VI, Section 1
Personal zone A proxemic zone ranging from about 18" to about 4 feet in North America. Module IV, Section 2
Persuasive speech A speech in which the speaker aims to influence the audience's beliefs, attitudes, or actions to some degree.. Module VIII, Section 2
Persuasive speech audience For persuasive speaking, it is important the speaker determine the audience's pre-exisiting attitude regarding the topic and how that compares to the position the speaker is advocating. Module VIII, Section 3
Pet peeves Items that bug us, nag at us, but are not significant issues Module IV, Section 1
Phatic communion Small talk; safe, superficial, socially prescribed disclosure on topics of low depth and breadth. Module V, Section 2
Module VII, Section 2
Phonetic alphabet The collection of sounds a person needs to use to create to speak a specific language. Module IV, Section 2
Physiological limitations Basic sensory limitations; one or more of our senses is limited as to how well it will function. Module II, Section 2
Pitch How high or low one’s voice is. Module IV, Section 2
Polychronic cultures Cultures in which time is fluid, punctuality is a low value, and activity is driven by immediate need versus a schedule. In contrast, see monochronic cultures. Module III, Section 1
Power dynamics Variables affecting our ability to influence or control another person. Module VI, Section 2
Predictability In a relationship, preference for significant planning, few surprises, and a recurring pattern of activity; in contrast to novelty. Module VI, Section 1
Prestige testimony Quotations or paraphrases from a celebrity. Module VIII, Section 6
Primacy-Recency effect A theory asserting that we are most struck by and retain as most memorable the first and last things we experience about a situation, person, or event; applied to public speaking, explains the importance of introductions and conclusions. Module VIII, Section 7
Primary message The core message we intend to communicate. Module I, Section 2
Primary tension The getting acquainted awkwardness we all experience when meeting new people; feeling ill at ease; not knowing what to say or how to begin. See tension. Module VII, Section 2
Privacy In a relationship, the need to keep some thoughts and emotions to oneself. In contrast to openness. Module VI, Section 1
Problem/solution A speech organizational pattern: The speaker describes the dynamics of a problem , then offers a plan of action to fix that problem. Module VIII, Section 5
Process An action comprised of multiple, interdependent parts working in concert. Module I, Section 1
Producer Positive task group role: the person who actually creates the group's product. Module VII, Section 1
Provisionalism Assuming a speaker needs to plan how best to communicate a specific message to a specific person or to a specific audience. Knowing messages must be adapted to different individuals and audiences. Module I, Section 1
Provisionalism The ability to accept the diversity of perceptions and beliefs, and to operate in a manner sensitive to that diversity. Module III, Section 1
Proxemics Refers to the communication value of the distance between people. Module IV, Section 2
Proximity A perception of a person or object is influenced by the surrounding environment. Module II, Section 2
Pseudo conflict Conflict that is superficial and easily resolved. Module VI, Section 2
Pseudowork Superficial, low quality group work; group work that is shallow and not substantive. Module VII, Section 1
Psychobabble In listening, a type of analyzing in which a listener responds with an ignorant, superficial, and simplistic use of psychological concepts to explain the speaker's behaviors or concerns. Module V, Section 2
Public speaking The communication setting of one person presenting a planned message to many. Module VIII, Section 2
Module I, Section 1
Public zone A proxemic zone that is 12 feet and larger in North America. Module IV, Section 2
Punctuality One's perception of what it means to be "on time." Module IV, Section 2

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Quality How soft or harsh one's voice sounds. Module IV, Section 2
Questioning In listening, asking relevant, non-threatening questions in order to solicit additional information from a speaker. Module V, Section 2
Quotations Sharing a person's thoughts verbatim. Module VIII, Section 7

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Race A social construct that developed based on biological traits. Module III, Section 1
Rate How quickly we speak. Module IV, Section 2
Rationalists Believed that through science, truth would be revealed. Module VIII, Section 1
Rapport talk A feminine style of communication with an emphasis on relationship development and maintenance. Module III, Section 2
Receiver-based communication When the sender acts in a provisional manner, assuming they need to consider how best to communicate this specific message to this specific person or to this audience. In contrast, see sender-based communication. Module I, Section 1
Reciprocal self-disclosure An exchange of similar disclosure levels to establish a comfort level in the relationship. Module V, Section 2
Module VII, Section 1
Recorder Positive task group role: the note taker of the group. Module VII, Section 1
Reference groups A collection of individuals with whom acceptance and belongingness is very important. Module I, Section 1
Reference to audience or occasion An attention-getting device in which the speaker comments on some shared trait of the audience or on a characterstics of the occasion. Module VIII, Section 7
Referent power Power ascribed to an individual based on their charisma and interpersonal attactiveness. Module VI, Section 2
Regulators Nonverbal behaviors that control the flow of communication. Module IV, Section 2
Relational context The emotional nature or power status of a relationship at the moment of an interaction. Module I, Section 2
Relationship Any connection between people. Module VI, Section 1
Module VII, Section 1
Relationship appropriateness In disclosure, evaluating the appropriateness of a topic based on the nature and history of the relationship. Module V, Section 2
Relationship dimension What is being communicated, either explicitly or implicitly, about the nature of the relationship itself. In contrast to the Content dimension. Module VI, Section 1
Relationship stages Patterns for the ways relationships develop. Module VI, Section 1
Relationship tensions Challenges of not sacrificing individuality for the relationship and, conversely, not sacrificing the relationship for individual needs; see also dialectics. Module VI, Section 1
Relevance In public speaking, demonstrating how or why the topic relates to the needs or interests of the audience. Module VIII, Section 7
Remembering Retaining and recalling what we have heard. Module V, Section 1
Report speech One in which the speaker takes a single body of information, analyzes it for the important points, then presents a summary of those important points. Module VIII, Section 2
Report talk A masculine style of communication with an emphasis on exchanging factual information. Module III, Section 2
Respond As part of SOLER, the subtle, primarily nonverbal behaviors we use to demonstrate we are paying attention. Module V, Section 1
Responding In listening, how we react to a message. Module V, Section 1
Response question In public speaking, asking a question to which the speaker expects the audience to reply immediately, either verbally or nonverbally. Module VIII, Section 7
Restraint A culture that suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms; have rigid social expectations of behavior that can be quite narrow. Module III, Section 1
Reward power Power ascribed to an individual due to the offer of some desired item or action to influence a person’s actions. Module VI, Section 2
Rhetoric The study of techniques for persuasion as they apply to various audiences and occasions. Module VIII, Section 1
Rhetorical theory Explanations of how audiences are persuaded. Module VIII, Section 1
Rhetorical question In public speaking, a question asked to stimulate thinking, but to which the speaker does not expect a verbal or nonverbal response. Module VIII, Section 7
Risk In disclosure, the perceived danger of disclosing information to another. Module V, Section 2
Roles emerge See emergence. Module VII, Section 2
Role appropriateness In disclosure, determining if a topic is appropriate given the immediate social roles of the individuals. Module V, Section 2

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Scripts socially prescribed topics and dialogues we have learned to use to engage in casual, socially necessary communication Module I, Section 1
Secondary tension Tension that rises again as the group matures, the work becomes more mundane, deadlines loom, and the initial commitment to the task and group falters. Module VII, Section 2
Self-appraisal Our perception of our traits and behaviors. Module II, Section 3
Self-concept An image we hold about our self and our traits and the judgements we make about those traits. Module II, Section 3
Module II, Section 1
Self-disclosure see Disclosure Module V, Section 2
Self-esteem How we judge and evaluate our traits. Module II, Section 3
Self-fulfilling prophecy We predict something. We then act, often non-consciously, in a manner which makes it come true. Once it comes true, we have then verified our prediction. Module II, Section 2
Self-reflexiveness Thoughtfully making choices about the most appropriate communication methods for a situation. Module I, Section 1
Semantic noise Language problems. See also denotative noise and connotative noise. Module I, Section 2
Sender-based communication When the sender acts in an egocentric manner, assuming the way they communicate is appropriate for everyone. In contrast, see receiver-based communication. Module I, Section 1
Sensory selection An unconscious process of determining which stimulus gets attention and which stimuli is ignored. Module II, Section 2
Sensory stimulation Our senses are bombarded by stimuli. Module II, Section 2
Sex Biological; the set of physical parts that identify a person as male or female. Module III, Section 2
Shakedown cruise In a task group, a time of tolerable tension in which they can focus on the task, develop the social dimension, and generally work well as a group. Falls after primary tension and before secondary tension. Module VII, Section 2
Shifting topics In listening, diverting the topic away from what the speaker is addressing to something the listener prefers. Module V, Section 2
Short-term orientation A culture that places more emphasis on dealing with immediate issues and the "here and now." In contrast, see long-term orientation. Module III, Section 1
Single words/phrases In a speech, general transition terms including words and phrases such as "also," "in addition to," "furthermore," "another," and so on. Module VIII, Section 5
Signpost In a speech, very blatant, obvious transitions, e.g., "My second point...." Module VIII, Section 5
Silencers Sommunication behaviors so offensive as to virtually stop communication. Module V, Section 2
Simplicity We tend to favor the easiest, least confusing perception of a person or event Module II, Section 2
Slideware Computer-based visual aids, such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, or Google Slides Module VIII, Section 8
Small group communication The communication setting of several communicating among several to accomplish a task. Module I, Section 1
Module VII, Section 1
Module VII, Section 2
Social dimension The social interaction and relationships among group members; the foundation of effective group work. Module VII, Section 1
Social loafer Negative task group role: a member who attends but who does not engage and does nothing. Module VII, Section 1
Social maintenance needs In a group, interpersonal needs including such things as being supportive of each other, resolving conflicts, and trying to include all members. See also social dimension. Module VII, Section 1
Social/Physical context Refers to the actual location of the communication and the social rules associated with that physical location. Module I, Section 2
Social pressure Professing perceptions consist with others to fulfill the need for acceptance and belongingness. Module II, Section 2
Social zone A proxemic zone ranging from about 4 feet to about 12 feet in North America. Module IV, Section 2
Spatial A speech organizational pattern: arranging main points according to location or movement through space. Module VIII, Section 5
Speaker interest The speaker should select a topic in which he/she has an interest to demonstrate enthusiasm for the topic. Module VIII, Section 4
Specific speech purpose The narrow, focused direction the speech will be taking. Module VIII, Section 4
Speech anxiety The typical nervous reaction speakers have to the uncertainties of a speaking event. Module VIII, Section 9
Speeches to entertain A speech in which the primary goal is to generate laughter. Module VIII, Section 2
Special occasion speeches Speeches designed to meet the expectations of specific events, such as a commencement, bestowing of an award, or eulogy. Module VIII, Section 2
Square As part of SOLER, facing the person as directly as possible and as culturally appropriate. Module V, Section 1
SOLER An acronym for effective attending behaviors: S = Square; O = Open; L = Lean; E = Eye Contact; R = Respond Module V, Section 1
Sophists In Ancient Greece, traveling instructors who would teach their students persuasive methods, good delivery, and other techniques they could use to advance their position. Module VIII, Section 1
Startling statement or statistic In public speaking, using a statement or statistic as an attention-getting device to trigger interest and curiosity. Module VIII, Section 7
Statistics The numerical representation of data. Module VIII, Section 6
Stereotypes Generalizations about a group of people categorized by an external marker, like sex, and skin color Module II, Section 2
Stereotyping Using stereotypes to draw conclusions about a person or group of people. A type of implicit personaity theory. Module II, Section 2
Stimulate shared meaning The goals of clear communication: what the speaker intends by her message and how the receiver interprets the message are highly similar Module I, Section 1
Stimulus-Thought-Response We sense the world around us, we think about it, we talk about it, and finally we respond to it.  We respond to thought more than stimulus. Module I, Section 1
Module IV, Section 1
Style A canon of rhetoric: the wording of the presentation. Module VIII, Section 1
Substitute A function of nonverbal is to take the place of verbal Module IV, Section 2
Summary/Preview In a speech, a transition device in which the speaker ends a point by recapping the main message, then foreshadows the message of the next point. Module VIII, Section 5
Supporter Positive task group role: acknowledges input from other members. Module VII, Section 1
Supporting materials Any type of evidence, explanation, or illustration the speaker uses in the speech to enhance the likelihood the audience will accept and believe the message of the speech. Module VIII, Section 6
Symbolic language A set of culturally determined sounds or shapes to which we attach meaning. Module I, Section 1

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Task commitment The degree of commitment to completing the group task successfully, both individually and shared. Module VII, Section 2
Task dimension The work a group does to complete the goal of the group. See also task needs. Module VII, Section 2
Task needs Member behaviors the group needs to accomplish the task. See also task dimension. Module VII, Section 1
Task/Social balance The relative emphasis a task group places on completing the work or engaging in interpersonal interaction. See also task dimension and social dimension. Module VII, Section 1
Tension The degree of uncertainty we feel in the social dimension of a group at a given moment. See primary tension and secondary tension. Module VII, Section 2
Tension reliever Positive task group role: the person who uses humor appropriately to decrease discomfort. Module VII, Section 1
Territoriality Our perception of ownership of space; a sense of a space being "ours" manage and control. Module IV, Section 2
Testimony Quotations or paraphrases stated by the speaker by others on the topic to prove a point. See also lay testimony, prestige testimony, and expert testimony. Module VIII, Section 6
Thesis The specific, concise statement of intent for the speech. Module VIII, Section 4
Thesis/preview In a speech, a special transition used immediately after the thesis in which the speaker tells the audience the main points to be covered. Module VIII, Section 5
Time limits The time allocated for the speech. The speech should fill but not exceed the allocated time. Module VIII, Section 4
Time orientation People and cultures view time in different ways; some cultures focus on the "here and now," while others focus more on the future. Module III, Section 1
Tolerable tension A modest level of tension that does not distract from focusing on the group task. Module VII, Section 2
Topical A speech organizational pattern: dividing the speech into major subdivisions and ordering them in a logical pattern, e.g., specific to broad, or broad to specific. Module VIII, Section 5
Transactional model of communication Multiple messages flowing simultaneously between people. Module I, Section 1
Transactor A person who is sending and receiving messages simultaneously . Module I, Section 2
Transient relationship A relationship that is short-lived and intended for a very narrow purpose. Module V, Section 2
Trust The belief the other person is looking out for our own best interests. Module V, Section 2
Type-casting Actors are often cast on their ability to reflect stereotypical representations of different character types. Module II, Section 2

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Unintentional Messages the sender is unaware of sending. Module I, Section 1
Understanding Decoding the verbal message. Module V, Section 1

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Valence The positive or negative tone of the disclosure. Module V, Section 2
Validating In listening, responding by offering a label for the emotion the listener perceives the speaker to be expressing. Module V, Section 2
Validation Seeking confirmation from reference groups and individuals that our perceptions, values, and beliefs are reasonable and accurate reflections of the world. Module I, Section 1
Value conflict A conflict over how we rank the relative importance of issues or actions. See also belief conflict and action conflict. Module VI, Section 2
Verbal communication Using words to send messages. In contrast to nonverbal communication. Module IV, Section 1
Module III, Section 1
Verbatim Sharing another person's thoughts using the exact wording of their original statement. Module VIII, Section 7
Visual aids In public speaking, any sensory element added to the speech to enhance the speaker's message. Module VIII, Section 8
Vocalized listening Silently forming questions, comments, and summaries in oneself while listening in order to attend to and fully process the speaker's message. Module V, Section 1
Volume How loudly a person speaks. Module IV, Section 2

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Withdrawer Negative task group role: a member who does not attend meetings nor engage the group in any way. Module VII, Section 1
Withdrawing A conflict management method in which we avoid handling the conflict at all, removing ourselves either physically or psychologically. Module VI, Section 2