Introduction to Communication

A free, open-source, introductory communication studies text

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Module I: Introduction to Communication Theory

Section 1: An Introduction to Communication Theory

Section 2: The Communication Model

Module II: Social Perception

Section 1: Introduction to Social Perception

Section 2: The Perception Process

Section 3: Perception of Self

Module III: Diversity

Section 1: Culture

Section 2: Gender

Module IV: Language

Section 1: Verbal Communication

Section 2: Nonverbal Communication

Module V: Listening and Disclosure

Section 1: Listening

Section 2: Disclosure

Module VI: Interpersonal Communication

Section 1: Relationship Dynamics

Section 2: Power and Conflict

Module VII: Small Group Communication

Section 1: Elements of a Group

Section 2: Group Process

Addendum 1: Working in Groups Online

Module VIII: Public Speaking

Section 1: A Brief History of Public Speaking

Section 2: The Purposes of Public Speaking

Section 3: Audience Analysis

Section 4: The Topic and Thesis

Section 5: The Body

Section 6: Incorporating Evidence

Section 7: Introductions and Conclusions

Section 8: Visual Aids

Section 9: Delivery


For Instructors